
Department of Housing & Urban Development

Department of Housing & Urban Development

Washington, District of Columbia
United States

Introba (formerly Integral Group) is providing engineering services to Honeywell, the Energy Service Contractor for the project, in establishing Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) that are economically viable to be implemented in the facility.

These Energy Conservation Measures include:

  • Boiler Plant Improvements

  • Chiller Plant Improvements

  • Energy Management Control System (EMCS)

  • Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system upgrades

Introba completed a Building Heating and Cooling Load Analysis to allow for system “right-sizing” and to determine the cost-effectiveness of decommissioning the existing fan coil units, replacing the windows, and retrofitting a VAV system in the building. A Baseline Energy Model for the existing building was completed by Introba, as well as energy models for each ECM, including the window upgrade to predict the energy savings potential. In addition to the energy modeling, Introba is providing design documents for each of the viable ECMs, including:

  • Conversion of the steam to HW heating system to a natural gas HW boiler system

  • A variable primary pumping system for the heating system

  • Chiller piping modifications

  • A variable primary pumping system for the chilled water system

  • Adding cooling tower VFDs

  • DDC Energy Management System upgrades

  • Conversion of a multi-zone system to a (VAV) system

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