
Massey Hall Revitalization

Massey Hall Revitalization

Toronto, Ontario
Massey Hall Revitalization

Massey Hall is an iconic 122-year-old heritage concert hall that delivers enriching concert experiences for both patrons and performers.

Massey Hall has embarked on a major revitalization that involves extensive restoration of the heritage building as well as significant new construction elements, including a strategic evolution of how the renewed asset would be operated. The objective of the project is to preserve the character of the hall, improve operational efficiency, create a renewed mode for business sustainability, and establish value from the required investment.

The following systems are being commissioned:

  • Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and HVAC&R systems and associated controls
  • Lighting and daylighting control systems
  • Domestic hot water systems
  • Emergency power systems
  • Life safety systems
  • All other mechanical and electrical systems
Massey Hall Revitalization

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