
Old Quadrangle Redevelopment | University of Melbourne

Old Quadrangle Redevelopment | University of Melbourne

Melbourne, VIC
Old Quadrangle Redevelopment | University of Melbourne

The Old Quadrangle Redevelopment is an extensive restoration enhancing current spaces to be utilized as ceremonial events, teaching, and academic spaces.

The University envisioned the Old Quadrangle, Gatekeeper’s Cottage, and Wilson Hall to be a central focus space as the key cultural, civic, engagement, and ceremonial heart of the University.

It sees the historic north and areas of east wings largely and carefully returned to their original design. The University’s vision of a welcoming and vibrant campus community will be achieved with the addition of flexible spaces. To meet this objective, a master plan was undertaken by Lovell Chen in October 2015. The master plan presented the plan and the proposed spaces.

Introba (formerly Integral Group) actively collaborated with the University, Lovell Chen, and the consulting team as engineering services consultants to achieve project objectives. The building earned a 5-Star Green Star rating. It was the first application within Australia to target the adaptive reuse model Passive House EnerPHit, requiring major upgrades to building services and extensive work to achieve airtightness around the building envelope.

The Old Quadrangle Redevelopment is included in the Victorian Heritage Register.

Sustainable Architecture Award, 2020
Australian Institute of Architects, Victorian Chapter
DrivenxDesign, Silver, 2020
Melbourne Design Awards

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