City of Toronto Zero Emissions Building Framework
Introba (formerly Integral Group) developed a framework for the new version of the Toronto Green Standard (TGS), the City’s energy efficiency building design standard.
Toronto’s objective in updating the TGS was to:
Require higher performance levels in new construction to reduce the GHG impact of population growth and densification,
Replace poorer-performing buildings with high-performance buildings that improve occupant comfort, and
Build industry capacity in high-performance design and construction.
In the new TGS, the energy requirements were updated to reflect the City of Toronto’s emerging priorities, including the need to ensure the City’s resilience in the face of a changing climate and to support the use of decentralized, local, and integrated, energy solutions. The targets included in TGS “version 3” are based on energy and costing models our team developed for the City’s primary building types and will help Toronto meet its 2030 and 2050 climate goals.