Lisa Westerhoff Receives CaGBC Green Building Champion Award

Introba (formerly Integral Group) is excited to share that Sustainable Policy & Planning Associate, Lisa Westerhoff, was formally awarded the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) Green Building Champion Award at the 2019 CaGBC Awards Gala Dinner and Celebration.
The Green Building Champion Award recognizes deserving individuals or initiatives that demonstrates exceptional achievement in advocating for CaGBC’s core interests, programs and priorities. This award is open to all persons in government, industry, institutions, Chapters, and CaGBC’s Board of Directors (past members only) and may include work related to commercial enterprise, public interest programs, policies, education or advocacy that further advances sustainability in Canada.

About Lisa
Lisa is most recognized for her involvement with the Better Buildings BC Program, the BC Step Code and the CaGBC Zero Carbon Building Standard. She has provided consulting to cities across Canada—in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario—on climate action policies, helping drive change at the highest levels of leadership and government.
Leading Introba’s Vancouver Sustainable Policy & Planning team, Lisa brings her expertise in sustainable planning and green building performance gap issues to her work with a range of academic, government, and private sector actors. She holds a PhD in urban sustainability and is proficient in sustainable neighbourhood and green building post-occupancy assessments, including occupant interactions with green technologies and the needs of building operators and managers.
Lisa also brings considerable experience in municipal climate change planning for emissions reductions and adaptation strategies to the building and neighbourhood scales. She has designed and led several stakeholders community engagement process in planning and decision making in climate, energy, and sustainability. An excellent writer and communicator, Lisa’s background makes her highly proficient in integrating and communicating ideas from across diverse sectors and disciplines.
For a full list of CaGBC 2019 Leadership and Green Building Excellence Awards, visit Canadian Consulting Engineer.
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